The hay fever season is well and truly upon us, with pollen counts reaching their peak between late March and September. With as many as 1 in every 5 people suffering (1) and cases trebling over the last 20 years (2), it’s certainly a common allergic condition. As a result, many hay fever myths and misconceptions have arisen.
Here are the top 5 hay fever myths debunked…
1. All natural remedies are slow to take effect
From quercetin to nettle, there are several natural remedies on the market for hay fever relief. However, when it comes to natural solutions, many are designed to work as a preventative measure and can take weeks to see effects. Furthermore, not all products have robust clinical trials to support their effectiveness. This is where IMMUNITY DEFENCE steps in, a food supplement based on an extract from quails eggs, which has been shown in clinical trials to provide some symptom relief within as little as 15 minutes. Better yet it’s a natural supplement, which is free from side effects!*
*Those with an egg allergy cannot take Immunity Defence
2. Hayfever is a minor condition
Hayfever is often perceived as relatively trivial, however, symptoms can have an unquestionable impact on everyday life (3). Many sufferers experience sneezing, runny or blocked nose, itchy and watery eyes and even an itchy throat. As many as 57% of adults and 88% of children also struggle with sleep, which can lead to daytime tiredness and poor concentration (4).
3. The main trigger for hayfever is flowers
It’s easy to assume that hay fever is triggered by all of those colourful blooms. However, insect-pollinating flowers tend to produce heavier pollen which is carried by insects rather than via the air. The more likely culprit for hayfever is airborne pollen from grass, weeds and trees. This type of pollen is small, light and plentiful and can be breathed in as well as coming into contact with our eyes.
4. Children can’t suffer from hayfever
Unfortunately, hayfever can be a family burden and has been shown to affect as many as 10-15% of children (5). Not only can it affect children’s quality of life but also attendance at school. Furthermore, hay fever is a risk factor for the development of asthma. Aim to keep an eye on the pollen count, and plan indoor activities when the count is high. Try closing bedroom windows during the day to reduce symptoms overnight. Consider Immunity Defence by Hello Day, a clinically proven supplement to reduce symptoms, and can be taken by those as young as 6. This food-based supplement comes in a chewable tablet format, so a one great for children!
5. Hayfaver symptoms are only present during the day
Whilst that warm spring/summer day is typically associated with hay fever symptoms, it doesn’t always mean that symptoms stop when the sun goes down. According to Allergy UK, pollen levels tend to be highest at both the beginning and the end of the day (6). What’s more, if the bedroom window is left open during the day, pollen can enter and may linger into the evening by getting trapped indoors. Some pollen particles can latch onto hair, clothing and even pets!
Lily Soutter, Resident Hello Day Nutritionist, BSc Nutrition, Msc